Can you guess the ISLE baby? If so please email Jimmy at . A prize will be sent to the first 3 correct emailers!

WANTED: Men and women who are reliable and caring
Q. How many years have you worked at ISLE? A. 5yrs Q. What department do you work in? A. Direct care Q. Name someone else from ISLE (a client) that inspires you and why? A. Not just one. They all inspire me. They have their own personalities. They all inspire me. Q. What…
Our September 2013 ISLE heroine is Mercedes Jennings! “Mercy” recently achieved a dream of securing her own home and moving in with her beau, Jimmy Pezzone. Mercy also has some physical maladies that she battles day to day. She confronts her medical issues with courage and determination. Mercy also works the reception area of the…
Email Jimmy at: jimmy@goldenstringradio with your guess. Five random email winners will be chosen and receive an ISLE prize.
Q. How many years have you worked at ISLE? A. It will be three years on Oct. 30 Mike Kish’s birthday. I’ll never forget that day. I walked in on a party for Michael he got some very unusual gifts. Everyone was having so much fun. We laughed had cake and I was welcomed with much…
Please remember to buy your Purple Cat grown produce at our own Purple Cat veggie stand at Farmer Casey’s ranch in Coitsville. Now you can also buy our fresh produce at Parto’s on Route 616 on the way to Hubbard. Squash, cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplant, corn, garlic, cabbage, and peppers are available at both locations. Purple…
Q. How many years have you worked at ISLE? A. March of 2013 Q. What department do you work in? A. Pearl Street – Purple Cat Q. Name someone else from ISLE (a client) that inspires you and why? A. It’s hard to pick just one because everyday I feel inspired by a different person.…
Did you ever wonder why the ISLE/Purple Cat Farm in Coitsville is named Farmer Casey’s Ranch? The farm was named in honor of a friend of Purple Cat Directors’, Jimmy Sutman and Jill Perencevic. His name was Casey Przicina. Casey passed away at age 13 from a rare genetic disorder. Casey was the son of…
The August 2013 ISLE hero is Sid O’Malley. Sid is shown here with one of his favorite ISLE Inc. staff members, Shanika Williams. Sid has lost weight and improved his overall health by making better food choices. He also battles his seizure disorder with courage and class. Sid is also a huge helper to his…
On Monday July 29, the Purple Cat, ISLE, and Golden String groups found their way to Swissvale, Pa. and Kennywood. Many friends rode the Black Widow and ate fries from the Potato Patch. In these photos, Michelle Testa and Walter Mootz share a ride, Terrance Ellis and Jerry Sinesio take a spin on the carousel,…