Michael Caughman

Michael Caughman

Hello friends, It is with a heavy heart that I inform you of the passing of our friend, Michael Caughman. His housemate Isaac Gordon and morning staff member, Margaret, found him lying peacefully in his bed around 5:30 this morning. Michael looked as if he was dreaming. Isaac stated that Michael was up using the…

Michael Caughman Reaches 60

Michael Caughman Reaches 60

ISLE and Purple Cat’s own Michael Caughman reached the ripe, young age of 60 last week. He celebrated in style at the venue of his choice, Chili’s, in Boardman, Ohio. Michael had a full rack of barbeque ribs and of course, cake with “buttercream” frosting. Attendees included Michael’s Site Supervisor, Caretta Byrd, and friends, Jimmy…